Gracias a MIRO compartimos este Sunset en el Hotel SLS en Puerto Madero. Un evento intimo, entre amigos.
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Producción Audiovisual x Music Lab.
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Si este video te acompaño por un momento, la mejor forma de darnos tu apoyo es con un me gusta y compartiendo el video.
Thanks to MIRO we shared this Sunset at the Hotel SLS in Puerto Madero. An intimate
... event, among friends. Enjoy this Live Set whenever you want and relive the experience we had at this event.
Audiovisual production x Music Lab
Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more live mixes.
The best way to say thank you is to like and share this video and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
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☞ Credits:
Artist: MIRO
Venue: Hotel SLS, Buenos AiresShow more