How to make a paper christmas wreath - Paper Christmas Decorations DIY

Here is the video of making a paper Christmas wreath decoration. This paper Christmas wreath decoration/ornament needs just a few square papers and a roundly-cut cardboard for sticking the flowers you made. You can use a bigger cardboard if you want to stick more flowers and make a bigger paper Christmas wreath decoration. Things you need to make this paper Christmas wreath decoration. papers (please note, you need two square papers to make one flower) stickers, glitter glue You can mix up different colour papers if you want and make more varieties of this paper Christmas wreath decoration. Make the folds carefully as shown in the video on both the square papers. Then make a cut half-way through the bottom of one piece and make another cut half-way through the top of the next piece. Then attach these two pieces together through these cuts. Be extremely careful when making these cuts as your whole effort can
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