Demonstration For Venizelos (1924)

French titles. Demonstrators clash in Athens; Greece; 1924. Opens with shot looking down at crowd climbing over fence. Group of soldiers of Greek Army standing around talking. Wide shot looking out over huge crowd; with placards sticking up here & there. Closer shot part of crowd; men waving hats. Shot from high above of crowd swarming around an open car with a large painting of the former Premier propped up in the back seat. Counter-demo; protesting the exile of King George II. The 2 groups start yelling at each other. Shot of another crowd of demonstrators in the street; shouting at soldiers & at the rival faction; several armed soldiers stand facing them. More shots of tension building; more shouting; in foreground a soldier directs 2 women who are walking past to keep away. Angry crowd pushing forward. Mob running down street. Shot from above many people running out of the street; clearing to the sides as mounted police break up the brawl. Another shot of police riding down street; crow
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