2012 06 03 Colin Greenwood - Children’s Radio Foundation Interview

Good evening, everybody! My name is Colin Greenwood and I’m in the band Radiohead. [gestures behind himself] That’s the stage over there. And I’m very proud to be the global ambassador for Children’s Radio Foundation. I wish I could be there tonight with you guys and with Mike and Nina, but I’m afraid I’m on tour, in Washington DC. So I’ve just recorded a few words to tell you about my involvement with the charity and the work that Mike and Nina have been doing. A few years ago, there was a friend of mine who was working with the charity, called Charlotte, who told me about it. And I was very interested in helping out cause I’ve always been a big fan of radio, growing up. And it sounded like a very interestging, a very interesting charity to support. After what Mike and Nina have been saying tonight, I would like to pick up on a few things that I think are wonderful about what they are doing. One of the things is the power of reporting, the quality of the recording and the access to accurate information that
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