Inside Al-Shifa hospital: Patients treated on floor as Israel continues to strike Gaza

The videos are filmed by Dr Marwan Abusada, Head of Surgery at Shifa Hospital. In the videos he shows how they have been forced to turn their cardiac surgery unit into a recovery area for in-patients. The room is crammed with cots and hospital beds, filled with patients that have been injured in the strikes on northern Gaza. A young boy can be seen in one of the beds with both his legs in plaster and a medical screw in one of his feet. He was standing in front of the gate of Shifa hospital when he was caught in a strike. Between 50,000 and 60,000 people are sheltering inside and around the grounds of Shifa, according to the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry in Gaza, with 2,500 injured patients. The video also shows how the hospital beds have spilled into the corridors. Doctors in scrubs weave between the chaos. Dr Abusada says there were more than 185 patients in the emergency department on Wednesday. Dr Marwan Abusada, Head of Surgery at Shifa hospital, said that they have erected a tent outside the hospital to serve as both an out-patient area for the yellow-zone patients, those in a semi-critical condition, and as a camp for the thousands of displaced civilians. Under the tent, hundreds of patients lie on the floor, lying across makeshift beds constructed from thin blankets strewn across the floor. #gaza #israel #hospital Subscribe to The Telegraph with our special offer: just £1 for 3 months. Start your free trial now: Get the latest headlines: and are websites of The Telegraph, the UK’s best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture.
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