HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY, Kevin McHale!

On June 14, 1988, the ridiculously talented Kevin McHale was born in Plano, Texas! Kevin is one of the most inspiring people on this planet to me and his hilarious tweets and interviews, his acting and his amazing singing voice always manage to cheer me up when I’m down. He’s my role model and I totally look up to him! So anway, let’s celebrate this day with this crappy little video I made! I need to apologize, this is the first time ever I made a “slideshow“-ish video like this and Vegas kept crashing every time I tried to add a new effect and I couldn’t really see what it looked like until I rendered it, so yeah, deal with it. Coloring basic belongs to xxmaisiebum from goldstarxtutorials, but as you can see I played around with it a bit and made it look worse.
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