Don’t Chase - League of Legends Songs of the Summoned entry

US Servers; Summoners: Caere, T1mm4h, Jealol, Massive Banana No Tank Don’t Chase (No Doubt - Don’t Speak Parody) EDIT- 12/13: (fixed link again) You can download the high quality mp3 here and the CD cover. Also, if you haven’t heard of League of Legends before, it’s a FREE MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game. Sign up today! Verse 1: Master Yi... We used to lane together Harassing teams forever, always Then I start to feel That you tend to over-extend Pursuing through their jungle to no end. Pre-Chorus1: Then you decide, to tower dive They get first blood and I begin to cry Chorus: Don’t Chase I don’t know what you’re thinking You’ll just end up feeding You make me rage so much it hurts Don’t Chase When everyone is missing Just hug our tower keep defending
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