"Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say)" Karaoke - Jesus Christ Superstar (Instrumental Backing Track)

“Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say)“ Karaoke - Jesus Christ Superstar KARAOKE COVER (Instrumental Backing Track). *You can use this for your Cover. (singing on your own, using at karaoke nights, and recording “cover“ versions) *When you upload an audio or video using this track, I appreciate if you could mention my link in your description. *Not for commercial use. *You may not re-upload this video as is. *I do not own the song, this is only a KARAOKE COVER VERSION. No Copyright Infringement Intended. *Please, support artists and their labels and BUY ORIGINAL TRACKS ONLY. *All of our karaoke tracks are unofficial and all rights are reserved by the copyright holders of the material. ----- DAW: Logic Pro X Guitar: Ample Guitar T, Ample Guitar SC (AmpleSound ) Strings: CHRIS HEIN STRINGS COMPACT (Best Service), JAEGER (Audio Imperia) Brass: TALOS (Audio Imperia), KONTAKT Factory library (Native Instruments) Piano: THE GRANDEUR (Native
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