Jennifer R. Pournelle. Острова в шторм. Поселения на прибрежных островах и болотах.

Jennifer R. Pournelle - University of South Carolina ISLANDS IN THE STORM. TURTLEBACKS, TELLS, AND MARSHLAND CITIES Especially problematic in understanding interactions between Sumerians and their water-dominated environments is resolution of spatial and temporal scales. Deltaic, and especially estuarine, evolution is highly variable on both measures, whether recorded in human or geological time. Answers to fundamental questions regarding urban emergence (Why here, and why not there?), persistence (Why now, and not earlier or later?), and lifespan (Why growth? Why decline? Why abandonment?) depend, first and foremost, on validating when and where both necessary and sufficient conditions for construction and maintenance of the architectures, enduring institutions, and material practices subsumed under the concept of civil societies existed and endured. In this overview, I will revisit the state-of-the-field regarding the relationships among marine incursion and withdrawal, deltaic progra
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