Pumped up Kicks (Cover in Old English)

Hroþa hæfp cwice hand Lōciende ymbe rūm, nile tellan þē his ræd Hē hæfþ smocapīpan fulne Hōmde ūt mūþe, biþ ān wilde cniht Hē fand īrisc-worht bogan On hises fæder cister diernan on arce þinga, Ic ne gīet cnāwe hwæt Hē is cumende for þē Hē is cumende for þē gēa   Eall þā ōþer cild mid findgum soccum Sculon betera rinnen fram minum earhum Eall þā ōþer cild mid findgum soccum Sculon betera rinnen, cwicra þon mīn boga [x2]   Ætta wyrcþ lange dage Hē is cumende hām late, hē is cumende hām late And hē is bringende mē wundor-gife For þenung is on cycenan baþod on īse Ic bēo wæht for lange whīle Gēa sliht mīnes hand biþ nū ān cwic-plyced streng Handlige mid mīnre pīpan And secge þīn hǣr is on fȳre Þu mōost hafian losod pīn witt, gēa
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