Mantak Chia Physical - Physiology Analysis, Best Destination Spa in Thailand

Tao Garden, Universal Tao, Holistic Medical Health Spa Resort. Master Chia with 45 years of Worldwide Teaching and the Master of Energy Medical Treatment, Medical Staff, Physical Therapist. 1. Physical - Physiology Analysis - LBA; Live Blood Quality Analysis - GCT; Glucose Cholesterol & Triglyceride - Body, Saliva, Urine ph balance & Physiology Testing - Specisl analysis - % Visceral Fat & Muscle - Max Pulse Wave Analysis; Cardio Vascular Evaluation 2. Emotional, Energetic Body Mind - Capno Trainer; Breathing Analysis - Bio Well; Bio Energy Field, Internal Power & Chakra Evalution 3. Spirit and Soul Detox. Understand your soul and spirit in the organs. Master Chia’s Training Center at Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort, Chiangmai, Thailand E-mail: universaltao@, reservations@
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