Finch defeats the Eye of Cthulhu — Master Summoner Playthrough #1 — Terraria 1.4

00:00 Introduction and rules 01:45 Exploring the world 03:15 Living Trees: Hunt for the Finch Staff 04:33 Fun with NPC 05:15 Magic Mirror 05:36 Continuing the search for the Staff 07:00 Jungle farming (Snapthorn) 11:53 Unsuccessful fight with EoC 12:53 Underground exploring (Life Crystals) 14:20 Floating islands exploring (Horseshoe and Balloon) 15:14 Nymph 15:35 Butterflies :3 17:00 Underground (Crystals and Ice Skates) 18:32 Floating islands (Starfury) 19:17 Slimerain and King Slime 20:46 Eye of Cthulhu
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