(ENG) Make Sure to do “THIS“ when you come to KOREA with your friends! 📷💫 | IDOL KOREAN CLASS EP.5

📰[Breaking news] Baby shark has appeared! They’re taking the 인생네컷, so it’s a hot topic. 👩💼This is breaking news. The “인생네컷“ that Korean young people are enthusiastic about! This is also said to be indispensable for the recent promotion of idols’ new album. “인생네컷“ that took over the streets of Seoul. Reporter Nam Dohyon, please tell them.🎙️ Lesson 5 : What Koreans are most enthusiastic about these days, 인생네컷 📸 [📕] Today’s word. - The meaning of 인생 샷 (Insaengshot) : A photo that looks good enough to remain in your life. - The meaning of 인생네컷 (Insaengnecut) : Instant photos taken four times in a row [🎁] Participated in the challenge. Please leave a review using “인생네
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