A Mátrix építészének üzenete célba ér vajon? Hatalmas pofon az utcán szembesülni ezzel...

“Hazugságok korában kimondani az igazságot forradalmi tett !“ Egyébként óriási a mondanivalója mindenki számááknak és nem birkáknak egyaránt ! AWAKENING THE WORLD ... ... EVERY HEART MAKES A DIFFERENCE In a world that continues to evolve, there are certain outcomes that become inevitable. The shift in human potential is one of them... Please join the peaceful REVOLUTION of our WORLD HERE: We have the power, more than the power, to bring down the vibrational prison walls if we understand even the basics of how it all works. The Control System is not structured by accident to generate incoherent heart energy and low vibrational thought and emotion such as fear, stress, anger, frustration and depression. This is done to maintain humanity in a low-vibrational, incoherent state, that generates the energy they want, enslaves people in close-minded ignorance and ... here’s the big one ... projects a constant supply of imbalanced and chaotic low-vibrational electromagnetic energy into the Earth’s atmosphere. (David Icke)
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