Operation Barbarossa - Eastern Front Hoi4 Timelapse

War war Two. Hitler launches a surprise attack on the Soviet Union in 1941. Stalin is in shock as Wehrmacht Formations encircle the Red Army from Sevastopol to Leningrad. However what was supposed to be a fast BLitzkrieg campaign slowly turns into a bloody war of attrition as the two Titans battle for survival. Moscow, Stalingrad and Kursk will be some of the largest battle in the Second world war, and many believes that the Patriotic War itself was desicive for WWII. This Unhistorical Timelapse is loosely based on real events however as it is AI Generated the War will eventually turn out different compared to the real one. As in my other videos, this one also shows stats pulled from the game: The Total industry shows all civilian and military industry per faction level. The big spikes and drops comes as nations joins or capitulates, or as big developed areas gets occupied by other powers.
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