10-hour loop - SPACE OF YOU - Energetic Synthesis of Being

Would you like to take a moment, take a breath with me, and relax into the space of….you? Let’s get a sense of what you are asking for and desiring in your life. #sleeptrack #thespaceisnow #energeticsynthesisofbeing Getting present with your request is also getting present with the energy of it which allows you to be congruent with your request, and then it all begins. We tend to think, and have been taught, that the way to achieve anything is through planning and calculating with our minds. But what if it is more about the energetics? Ask yourself: 🌟 What would I have to be, choose and do different to have this? 🌟 What can I be now, that I haven’t acknowledged, and that I’ve never truly been able to be before that would actualize this and way more? Welcome to my 3rd Sleep Energetics track! A 10-hour loop. You guys have been loving them, so I’m going to keep making them. 😉 Play them on low when you sleep, while you’re working, or whenever you please. These tracks are energetic in nature and don’t have to be understood for them to be received. Thank you for listening! Find more tools you can use to create a more conscious life by subscribing to this channel! For more information, tools, and resources, you can visit my website: I share free tools and tips almost every day on my social accounts: Instagram: Facebook: My target is to change the world with consciousness – are you with me? If you see something that inspires you, I’d love for you to give it wings by liking or sharing it – this helps make my content more visible and introduces new people to tools that could change their lives. Grateful for you! Dain
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