Can Artificial Intelligence Lead Us to A Smarter ILL Future or Other Library Services?

Can #Artificial #Intelligence lead us to a smarter #ILL future or other library services? The #DDRS Unit #Webinar Series continues, #2. Recent technological developments have revolutionized the field of librarianship, as in every other field. Studies show that artificial intelligence can improve many library services such as reference services, document distribution and resource sharing, bookshelves and shelf reading, cataloging, and metadata creation. In this webinar will also discuss personalized recommendations for library users based on their research habits and interests and all applications of AI in library complex service areas. Moderated by Filiz Ekingen Flores Mamondi Electronic Resources Librarian Boğaziçi University Library Our speakers Bart Murphy joined OCLC as chief technology and information officer in December 2018. He leads OCLC’s Global Technology team and oversees engineering centers around the world. Dr. Vijay Kumar Verma is currently holding the position of Assistant Librarian (Selection Grade) at the Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. #News #Document_Delivery #Electronic_Document_Delivery #Interlibrary_Loans #Resource_Sharing
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