USSR NOTE No. D/N - 002

Note By the Right of the Sovereign, on the basis of the Norms of International Law proclaiming the inalienable Rights of all Peoples, on the basis of the Charter. The United Nations, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Clans, Tribes and Nations, as well as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, as indicated in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and other Internationally recognized Legal Instruments confirming the importance of the Right to Self—Determination for all Clans, Tribes and Nations, by virtue of which they can freely establish their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development, Relying on the Right of the Great, United, Soviet and Sovereign People living on the territory of the Great Sovereign Country - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, We remind you that the United Nations occupies the most important and consistent role in protecting the Rights of indigenous Clans and Tribes of all Nations around the World, is obliged to consider and take due account of the customs, traditions, norms and legal system of the Great, Unified, Sovereign and Soviet People living on the territory of the Great Sovereign Country - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as International Human Rights, By the Right of the Sovereign, on the basis of International Law and Sovereign. Legislation Of the Great Sovereign Country - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, We declare: To the United Nations, established with the financial resources of the Great Sovereign Country - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as the Founder General of the United Nations, about the fact of our Legitimate, Sovereign Rights to self-determination and development, to our inalienable Soviet right to enjoy all the Rights of a Sovereign, Soviet Person without any discrimination, to respect our collective Rights as a Great, Sovereign People - a Winner on their confident Land. We, the Military People’s Council of the USSR and the Defense Council of the USSR, being the legal successor of the Legislative, Judicial, Executive and Financial Authorities of the Great Sovereign Country - Of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Newsletter of the 1st Congress of Citizens of the USSR dated December 29, 1991, Resolution of the 1st Congress of Citizens of the USSR No. 1 dated December 30, 1991, Mandate of Confidence of the 1st Congress of Citizens of the USSR No. 1/1 dated December 30, 1991, Notification of the 1st Congress of Citizens of the USSR to the UN and International Community of All Countries of the World No. 1/2 of December 30, 1991, Resolution of the 1st Congress of Citizens of the USSR No. 1/3 of December 30, 1991), on the basis of the current martial law in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, working in the jurisdiction of the Legislation of the USSR in wartime and under the jurisdiction of the Composition of the special Meeting of the special presence of the Military Tribunal of the USSR, the Supreme Court of the USSR, as well as resolutions: Resolution of the SND of the USSR dated December 24, 1990 No. 1856-1 “On holding a referendum of the USSR on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics“ (hereinafter - Resolution No. 1856-1); Resolutions of the USSR Supreme Council of No. 2031-1 “On information about the USSR referendum held on March 17, 1991“; Resolutions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated No. 2041-1 “On the results of the referendum of the USSR on March 17, 1991“; Resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR dated December 24, 1990 No. 1853-1 “On the preservation of the USSR as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics“; Resolutions of the SND of the USSR dated 12/24/1990 No. 1854-1 “On the name of the Soviet State“; Law of the USSR dated No. 8497-1X “On citizenship of the USSR“; Resolutions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated No. 8498-1X “On the enactment of the Law of the USSR “On Citizenship of the USSR“; The Sovereign Global Legal Act of the USSR No. AZ-01 dated ; The Sovereign Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. PVK-033 dated On the re-registration and Reorganization of the State Company “Russian Federation-Russia“; The Sovereign Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. PVK-035 dated April 24, 2023 On the Empowerment of the State Committee for the State of Emergency of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; We have resumed the activities and work of the State Committee on the State of Emergency of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as a State military-political body of Special Composition and Special Presence with expanded powers in the Sovereign Country - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
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