Christanity vs Chinese Confucianism: What are Differences

1. Christianity is rapidly growing in China. As a result there is a need to reconcile this faith with Chinese values, so that the church is not misused for political purposes and so that society can be harmonious. Chinese Christians should love God, love the community, love the family, serve the masses. 2. The teachings of Christianity is universal - the Gospel, Nicene and Apostles creed, the deeds of saints and so on cannot be changed etc. etc. but the social environment in which Christianity exists should adapt to the social and cultural norms of the Chinese. Christianity cannot confront Chinese culture or deny Chinese culture. This form of Patriotism, love for family, love for community, respect for authority and governing authorities can be found and supported by the Bible. So it is not wrong to have Chinese patriotism, love for family, love for community, respect for law and governing authorities. 3. Christianity should be interpreted through a Chinese cultural lens and Chinese Christian
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