Day 3 : Keynote by Prof. Bleeker Maaike

“ From HRI to Human Robot Intra-action, and some more lessons to be learned from the theatre“ Chair : Dr Gunter Loesel -Limits of the human, machines without limits?- Contemporary stage and robotics: exchanges and collaborations 6-7-8 October 2021 Online International Symposium organised by: Dr Izabella PLUTA, Symposium Leader, University of Lausanne - Centre d’études théâtrales and Laboratoire de cultures et humanités digitales, supported by Collège des humanités Until-EPFL Dr Salvatore Maria ANZALONE, University Paris 8 - CHArt Laboratory Dr Gunter LOESEL, Zurich University of the Arts - Institute for the Performing Arts and Film Dr Erica MAGRIS, University Paris 8 - Theatre Department
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