Flare asks you to go shopping

Please buy her some food. Originally aired February 22, 2021. Source stream: TL Note: Ehomaki (恵方巻, lit. “lucky direction roll“) is a thicc rolled sushi (巻き寿司) with seven ingredients. They are often eaten at Setsubun (節分, Feb. 2, 2021), a Japanese Holiday. Setsubun marks the end of Winter and is often associated with mamemaki (豆撒き, lit. “bean scattering“), when you yeet roasted soybeans at ogres. The seven ingredients represent the Seven Gods of Fortune (七福神), who are believed to grant good luck. The typical ingredients of the rolls include kanpyou, cucumber, egg, eel, shiitake mushrooms, fish meat floss (でんぶ), and usually one type of fish. However, the tradition of 7 ingredients is quite loose in both type and even number. It is tradition to eat the entire ehomaki whole, in silence, while facing the direction considered to be lucky that year. This is believed to bring good luck. So if you saw a burst of “questionable“ sushi-roll-in-mouth pictures on Twitter back
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