“Should I Wait“ Feat. Ray Wilson | 2010 - from Twentyeight “In the Beginning”)

THE WALLET. THE MIC CHECK. THE LORD’S FOOTPRINTS. You can believe. You can have faith in music. And maybe music is simply believing, and we’re talking about the same topic. Surely music is often described like “something from above“. Or something that comes out suddenly from the inside. And maybe what you feel inside, it’s simply what you perceive above you. And again, inside or above, we’re speaking about the same thing. There are moments you don’t immediately recognize what’s inside or above. Moments you’re not believing, and what’s coming out from your mouth in front of a microphone, sounds like “air“. Vanishing air. The truth is, “vanishing air“ becomes faith and music when melts with what’s around you. What’s above. What’s behind. When air meets someone else’s ear, for example, the vanishing transforms itself in astonishing. Something we call “sound“. That’s because of the alchemy behind music: music is often a lonely thing when borns. Then grows
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