The Blade Nation [95/06] Full Ansi / Ascii Art Pack Video

b l a d e 1 allo, and welcome to another o f those funky fresh blade epics. this mont h i had promised that the pak would go out on the 3rd, and then that passed and i had promised the 15th, and t hat passed... it is now the 18th and i m sending this damn thing out as soo n as i finish this info file. sorry for the delays! 2? strenghtening our attempt to re-o pen the blade vga department, darkfyre joins us this month, bringing a very original style with him. he was a freelance jober until we picked him up this month. welco me aboard! also joining blade this month is killer instinct. ki comes to blade to start up our very own telecommunitcations division, as well as to be our sole courier. we havent had much luck with couriers in the p ast, so hopefully this guy can do the job... welcome aboard man.. 3! a few guys felt it necassary to lea ve blade this month. after a long stay as artist and senior staff member, modeus k h
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