Nano filter, graphene coated sand for water purification

Nano Filter is an architectural device testing graphene coated sand for water purification in one of the most polluted cities in the world: Lanzhou in China. The project has been done in collaboration with the Nano-Science Centre in Copengahen and tested on-site on the expedition . Acknowledgements: I would like to thank Marc Overgaard and Kasper Norgaard from the Nano-Science Center, University of Copenhagen for the chemical consultations and help in preparation of graphene sand composite; Dr. Robert Murray-Smith and Dr. Soujit Sengupta ( Indian University of Technology in Madras) for consultations about the GSC recipe; Mikael Jackson ( Superform Lab, KADK) for the support with the heat treatment processes of the filter material; Mads Johnsen (Metal workshop, KADK) for help in building of the NanoFilter architectural device; Mikael Olsson (Technical University of Denmark, Department of Environmental Engineering) for analyzing the water samples for presence of heavy metals; and special thanks
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