Auto vs. Standard TCAS. Which one is best?

Or rather AP/FD guidance vs standard TCAS. Forgive us while we get our geek on for a moment. We were having a robust discussion over the benefits of AP/FD TCAS and standard TCAS in the office. Which one is better and why? In our A320 sim we put the two alongside to compare the differences with a Traffic Advisory (TA) and Resolution Advisory (RA) to avoid oncoming traffic. Acronyms used in this video: AP: Autopilot FD: Flight director PF: Pilot flying TCAS: Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System V/S: Vertical speed Interesting stuff/further reading: MEL: The aircraft may be d...ispatched with TCAS inoperative for 10 consecutive calendar days. This isn’t true for all countries though, for example flight within Germany has a 3-calendar day limit.
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