Туториал по анимации Fallout New Vegas для начинающих - Часть 1 - Настройка BlenderОсновы Как сделать анимацию бездействия
I updated the rig because there was some slight issues with it, if you already did your idle anim, the only things i fixed was motion bone had a slight rotation and location transform when it should be in the exact same place as idle bone.
Beginner Viewmodel Animation tutorial for making Animation mods for Fallout new Vegas.
DISCLAIMER- I’m no animation/blender pro. I’m simply making a tutorial for how to get started animating for making anim mods for new Vegas.
Blender 2.9 -
Nif/kf Plugin-
Nifskope -
lStewies tweaks -
KNVSE plugin-
Rig file (Credit to Johnson) and file needed to export -
Vanilla Weapons Nif models available here-
If you need to use sniff to delete bones to get 62 copy paste this - Bip01 L Thigh, Bip01 L Calf, Bip01 L Foot, Bip01 L Toe0, Bip01, Bip01 R Thigh, Bip01 R Calf, Bip01 R Foot, Bip01 R Toe0, Bip01 Head, Bip01 LeftGunSlide, Bip01 LeftGunBase, Bip01 Looking, Bip01
00:00-03:30 Required Tools
03:31-12:07 Blender Rig Basics
12:08-19:15 Importing your Gun
19:16-21:35 Posing your Idle
21:36-26:16 Exporting
26:17-29:29 Adding to game
1 month ago 00:08:25 2
DIY 🎀 Посмотрите какие новогодние бантики. Готовимся к праздникам 🎀Getting ready for the New Year
1 month ago 00:05:49 1
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