. CRACK 03 (feat. Miranda reactions)

Check out for more random stuff Credits: 02:20 (backround music) is blind lullaby credit to xoNooodles (here: /watch?v=oDNH4FrbFTs) Fancams sources: 03:20 Bang dancing credit to renluvtop (here: /watch?v=kHALkEl9Eq8) 03:36 BangUp paper game credit to 베이비누나 (here: /watch?v=3VncMJfVuTo) 03:45 BangDae handshake credi to Killing me softly 628 (here: /watch?v=edHnupga1hw) 03:53 Bang dancing credti to TWOHEARTS628 (here: /watch?v=uS03MapHWAE) 04:09 Bang God credit to Danti
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