Bruce Cockburn - April In Memphis (Official Video)

From Bruce Cockburn’s latest album “Crowing Ignites’ available Sept 20th, 2019 Animation by Kurt Swinghammer Pre- Order Today!: Here’s what Bruce has to say about the video: “The piece came into being on MLK Day 2019. It pretty much formed itself in the course of a practice session. It took the shape of a lament, more than a celebration, which set me to thinking of King’s murder, and the loss of a voice of wisdom, compassion and respect that we could really use about now. Hence the title. I think the video conveys the right sense of the poignant beauty, of the dignity, of the man and the spirituality that fueled him.“ Also here are a few lines from Kurt Swinghammer who produced and directed the video: “Creating an animation for Bruce’s moving instrumental was an inspired opportunity to reflect on the loss of the most important spiritual leader of the last century. 50 years after MLK’s assassination, we clearly still need to hear his message.“
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