Maiden of Orléans Video Music

A song from the world’s first symphonic metal album on the theme of the Hundred Years’ War. The album is completely generated in the Udio neural network. Песня с первого в мире альбома в стиле симфони металл на тему столетней войны. Альбом полностью сгенерирован в нейросети Udio. Послушать альбом можно тут . lyrics of the song The Loire Valley whispers tales of old, Of a maiden bold, a story to be told. Joan of Arc, a name that echoes still, Across the fields where battles fought their fill. Orléans besieged, a city in despair, But Joan arrived, a beacon shining there. With faith in heart, she rallied all the men, And led them forth to fight for France again. The siege was lifted, victory in sight, A glorious victory, bathed in morning light. But shadows lurked, betrayals in the night, And Joan was captured, lost to fading light. The trials began, a cruel and twisted game,
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