Missouri, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Illinois, California, Ohio, United States of America USA.
Documentation contains a newspaper cutting about the elections.
MS. Truman in polling booth. MS. Truman places ballot paper into box. LS. Truman waving to crowds.
New York City
LS. MS. Thomas Dewey Governor of New York and wife shaking hands in street. LS. Interior of Republican H.Q. with crowds. CU. Dewey. LS. Dewey acknowledging cheers from stage. LS. Vito Marcantonio Extreme left wing, arriving. MS. Marcantonio in voting booth. LS. Interior Democratic H.Q. with crowds. MS. E
...lection figures on board in Democratic H.Q. LS. Senator Herbert Lehman waving to crowds. LS. MS. Republican Joe Hanley in hospital. LS. Mr. Vincent R. Impellitteri Mayor of New York embracing wife. LS. Impellitteri shaking hands with followers. CU. Impellitteri First Independent Mayor of New York.
CU. John Davis Lodge, Independent. LS. Lodge shaking . Governor Chester Bowles AmericaShow more