150 Reasons To Ship FitzSimmons

TvShow: Agents of . Coloring: 2words12letters. Songs: Hearing by Sleeping at last. Sun and Stars, Really Slow Motion. Everdream, Cesc Vila. Aeon, Nick Murray. ► Support my creativity if you want: I’ve never thought I’d really make such a long video, but I also believed that, if I made a long-ass video, it would have been about FitzSimmons. I had an idea at the back of my mind, and I still have it, but I think I’ll save it for the wedding, because we will have a wedding, conventional or not, we will have it. Anyway, there’s already an amazing video about their development, but then I realised that there’s no Reasons To Ship video and I thought this fandom and this couple deserved this. I’ve never been so invested in a fictional relationship, and by now I think you all know how much and how deeply I love these two, together and as single characters. That’s why I’m so nervous about uploading this video. I believe it’s totally impossible to catch their essence even in a 35-min
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