The Beauty Of Visual Kei

My first vid - fairly simple. i loved the music so this idea came to my head so i made it. Comments / Criticism welcome! Music : In The House - In A Heartbeat (28 Days Later OST) Pictures : Miyavi (Due le Quartz), Ayabie, Malice Mizer, Lynch, Dir en Grey, X Japan, Selia, Moi Dix Mois, UnsraW, Exist Trace, Danger Gang, Versailles, Shwarz Stein, Phantasmagoria, D’espairsRay, GazettE, Candy Spooky Theatre, Kagerou, Girugamesh, MUCC, DIO (Distraught Overload), Kagrra, Alice Nine. (pics stolen from various places... don’t really remember... but mostly Google Images) A big thank you to TheGacktfanatic and miyavizm030787 for answering my vid-making related queries. Enjoy!
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