Roller Coaster Safety: How to Manage Too Many Trains at Once

You can support this channel on Patreon! Link below Roller coasters are pretty neat, I must say. But they rely on passive vehicles holding fragile humans while zooming around at high speeds. That can be a tough thing to manage safely, but it’s not impossible. This video shows you a few ways it’s done. Space Mountain with the lights on, reset sequence: Expedition Everest on ride POV: You can support this channel on Patreon! Support from patrons like you are keeping this channel possible. If you’d like to make a voluntary contribution, please visit the following link. Thanks for your consideration! And thank you to these current patrons! Charlie Quigley, Tommi Hares, Dakota Williams, Chuck Floyd, Eitan Tal, Sophie Haskins, James Id, Brendan Sheehy, Jay Foreman, Howard Longden, Rich Theobald, Kyl
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