Tomb Raider - The Crystal [Full] Walkthrough

Tomb Raider Level Editor (TRLE) - The Crystal [Full] Walkthrough Level By : Alphonse Story This is the first continuous level. Okay so no story for this levelset. This has long been released for several years, but it hadn’t been noticed by the community till few days ago. This must be the first release from the author. Actually, it’s quite fun to play. It contains total 5 levels which are all interconnected. The title was named with “Crystal“ so the author placed so many crystal like objects throughout the levels. As more I played, I found that the crystal seems to have something to do with Alien creatures. Not to mention lots of site workers are influenced by some kind of force. That’s cool idea. For players who doesn’t have any info for story, they will definitely be able to understand what’s the adventure try to show us. Excellently made 😃 Seeking List : Level 1 - Red Valley (1st Visit) 0:00 1:11 Silver Key 3:05 Motor Batter
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