Luv is bullshit 💔

cause they never loved me as I did 💔 You have been put on probation until 2033-12-28 02:25. You can no longer post on the community forums and public chat channels. Permanent Suspension - Misconduct Rule 1, 1a, 1b, 3, 9, 9b, 11 “Hello Pendragon, Despite numerous warnings and previous removal of access to Spectrum, we have continued to observe this conduct from your account. As a culminating result of your moderation history, and having exhausted all other options, we have suspended your Spectrum forum and chat privileges permanently. This will not impact your game access at this time. You can review our standard of conduct here: We always prefer to avoid taking these kinds of measures; however, we believe that we have offered you ample opportunity to change the way you have conducted yourself within the community. This is in compliance with the terms of service and standard of conduct you have agreed to in using our services. You can review our terms of service here: “ CIG Moderation, Nightrider-CIG -- You will not receive a reply by responding to this message ---
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