Russia EU summit, Putin, Prodi and Berlusconi

(6 Nov 2003) 1. Exterior Villa Madama where the European Union-Russia Summit is taking place 2. Car of Italian President Silvio Berlusconi 3. Berlusconi gets out of car and walks into Villa Madama 4. EU foreign policy representative Javier Solana gets out of car 5. Guard looking on 6. Russian President Vladimir Putin gets out of car and shakes hands with Berlusconi, hugs EU Commission president Romano Prodi 7. Media 8. Putin adjusts trousers, Putin, Berlusconi and Prodi pose for media 9. Putin, Berlusconi and Prodi walk into Villa Madama 10. Summit 11. Putin listening 12. Various Berlusconi talking (Solana on his left and Prodi on his right) 13. Summit with media STORYLINE:
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