Beat ’em up Template - Test (dev - 20210304)

Objective: Create a template that will serve as the basis for many projects, such as sports and fighting games. Features: The template will be based on standard high resolution 2D graphics with side-scrolling. It will use sprites, multiple depth layers, transparency effects, zoom out effect, standard physical calculations, collision boxes, it will have a local multiplayer option (perhaps online in the future) and it will be able to be ported to many platforms. Sprites and backgrounds: All the characters, objects and backgrounds start from a base drawn on paper. Then the sketch is then transformed into a vector graphic. Finally, the color is applied, having as a reference one color for brightness and another for shadow, to give the object depth. Once finished, it is captured as a sprite and added to the sprite sheet. Depending on the game, it is the final size it will have. Super deformed anime style will be used.
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