
This court scene is an especially striking one. Placed after the previous duet and a scene where court is being held against Ottavia. It has just been announced by Ottavia’s handmaidens that Publio’s son was never among them. But before this vital evidence can be taken up, the first clap of thunder from Vesuvius is heard which causes everyone great distress. The thunder continues, as Appio and Publio shout accusations at the unsure Sallustio who finally breaks under the pressure and sentences his own wife to death. The scene ends with a large concentrato for the soloists and the chorus which basically is an appeal to the god of the volcano to bring pity on their fates. Here is a list of performers and their respective roles: Appio - Raul Gimenez, Ottavia - Iano Tamar, Sallustio - Nicolas Rivenq, Publio - Gregory Bonfatti, Clodio - Svetlana Sidorova.
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