Auld Ridge - For Death and Glory, to the Gods I Cry (Full Album 2024)

Band: Auld Ridge Release: “For Death and Glory, to the Gods I Cry“ Track list: 1. Blood and the Tides - 0:00 2. Fyrir dauða ok dýrð við enska brúna - 10:08 3. On gebyrde mid natur - 20:36 4. Henmaen, Gothur Hanes Etta Gweleth - 23:57 5. Ar Cricinagneth, An Agen Albannu Tu Telyr - 31:41 Released on CD by Dark Adversary Productions: Auld Ridge bandcamp: This album is a monument of uncompromising ferocious, majestic and melodic Black Metal filled with folk passages that Auld Ridge is now notorious inspiration from both Scandinavian and British heritage, “For Death and Glory, to the Gods I Cry“ explores historical battles such as Rastarkalv and Stamford Bridge as well as fictional accounts of pre-roman Britain. The first two long form songs explore the former Scandinavian heritage, tales of journeys over vast seas and battles on distant shore
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