TRLE: Tomb Raider - The Perils Ahead

- Name: Tomb Raider - The Perils Ahead Author: Caesum Download: Game Number: 3466 Data: 31 - Oct - 2022 Type: Tomb Raider 4 Difficulty: Easy 💜 LEVELS: 1 - 0:01 - Croft Manor 💚 SECRETS: 1 - 4:03 - (Silver Rose) 2 - 10:36 - (Silver Rose) 3 - 18:51 - (Silver Rose) ❤️ WEAPONS: No Weapons 💙 KEY ITEMS: 1:43 - Playroom Key 2:17 - Kitchen Key 2:48 - Attic Key 3:31 - Winding Key 4:43 - Basement Key 6:53 - Crowbar 7:32 - Heart 9:01 - Hand 9:32 - Library Key 11:15 - Pool Key 13:22 - Foot 14:18 - Mechanical Scarab 16:31 - Bestiary 17:01 - Brain 19:37 - Head 20:29 - Bedroom Key 21:24 - Iris Artifact
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