Plamenev - To Defeat the Great Ones!

Video Image from: Assassin’s Creed You gave life in combat, It’s your sacrifice! Your proven worth will be counted; I will exalt you to heights! You will defeat the great ones! Come with me, Battler, come with me! The day will come: I will raise up the faceless; They’ll go with might. With no light There will be the last fight! The greatest fight! Your major fight! The best your fight! The Universe is crying out inside; So be the rage of its Will! I Will open up what’s hidden from your sight! I’ll show the Way and limits of your might! The energy is flowing by your side! Just scoop it with your whole being! I Will show you how the Mighty Ones will fade. Change it all and be my vengeful blade! At all times there’s the battler Who gives his life for fight. Who lives in a decent manner, I’ll summon them by my side. You will defeat the great ones! Come with me, Battler, come with me! The day will come: You will lead all the faceless; By your side. With no light There will be the last fight! The greatest
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