Peaceful Years Reel 7 (1919-1938)

German planes over Vienna, and Nazi flags flying. Mass crowds in Vienna. German troops marching through city. Big Ben. Crowds in and around Downing Street re: Sudetan Crisis. Politicians and Lloyd George arriving Parliament. Digging trenches in Westminster. Recruitment in London. . Gas Mask Centre. Baby in gas mask. Busy switchboard and journalists in News Office. Newspaper headlines re: Peace at Four Powers Conference. Jubilant crowds in Munich. Hitler and Mussolini with cheering crowds in Munich. Monsieur Deladier arrives by plane, he and Ribbentrop drive in open car passed cheering crowds. Chamberlain arrives by plane in Munich. Open car drive to Hitler’s HQ. Walking up steps with British and French flags flying from Hitler’s HQ. Chamberlain arrives home from Munich. Sync Sound, he holds up agreement and reads it out, Cheers from crowd. Hitler speaking to enormous crowds. German planes over Prague. German troops enter Prague, Hitler looking around. Swastika flags flying. Chamberlain speaking at
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