Queen And Duke Visit Home Fleet (1957)

Unissued / Unused material. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, visit the Home Fleet at Invergordon, Scotland. Various shots of cruiser HMS ’Superb’. Various shots as Queen and Duke talk to officers and shake hands. Various shots as ship’s company marches past. Various shots of Queen aboard destroyer HMS ’Duchess’, she greets Captains of ’Duchess’ and ’Diamond’. Various shots as Queen and Duke inspect ship’s company of ’Duchess’ and ’Diamond’. MS ’Diamond’. Various shots as Queen greets Captain of Maidstone and inspects Guard of Honour. Various shots as crew of ’Maidstone’ march past Queen and Duke. Walking shot of Queen with Commander-in-Chief Home Fleet, Admiral Sir John Eccles. Various shots as company stand to attention before barges arrive at HMS ’Ocean’. Various shots as royal party ascends on aircraft lift to flight deck. Various shots as Queen inspects Royal Marine Guard of Honour. Various shots as Queen and Duke inspect ship’s companies of ’Ocean’, ’Gambia’ and
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