Mom and baby talk in English- At the supermarket.

Watch as a mom and her baby go shopping at the supermarket! This video is all about learning English while having fun during everyday activities. Let’s dive into the world of supermarket shopping together! Mom: Alright, sweetie, let’s make a detailed shopping list. We need fruits, vegetables, dairy, snacks, meat, seafood, and a few other essentials. Child: Can we get some ice cream too, Mom? Mom: Sure thing! Let’s add that to the list. Now, grab your jacket, and we’ll head to the supermarket. Mom: Here we are! Supermarkets are like giant treasure hunts. Let’s start in the produce section for fresh fruits and vegetables. Child: Look at all these colorful fruits, Mom! Can we get apples? Mom: Absolutely, put them in the cart. Now, let’s move on to the dairy section for milk and other dairy products. ........
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