How Does a Premature Baby Develop Their Senses? | Preemie Sensory Development Explained

If a baby is born before 37 weeks, they’re considered a preemie, and their senses might develop a bit differently from those of full-term babies. This doesn’t mean you need to worry! Knowing this can help you better understand and support your little one! During pregnancy, babies develop their senses in a specific order: touch, movement and balance, smell, taste, hearing, and vision. But once they’re born, these senses begin to work in reverse order. This means your preemie’s vision and hearing are quickly adjusting to the lights, sounds, and new environment around them. Preemies have their milestones adjusted for their corrected age, but their visual development might align more closely with their actual age. To help your baby’s vision, use toys with black, red, and white colors—these are easiest for them to see in the early months. Check out the video to learn more about how you can support your preemie’s sensory development. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscri
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