Capsize - Not Likely! (1957)

MOTH SAILING REGATTA - WELSH HARP Welsh Harp, Hendon, London. Angle shot of sailing ships. GV. Moth dinghies lined up and preparing for Silver Jubilee Regatta. GV. Moth boat entering water, & SV. SV. Sails of boat No 254 going up. SV. Girl connecting sail. TV. Man preparing his craft. SV. Moth sailing out. GV. Moths on the water preparing for race. SCU. Man looking through binoculars. SV. Two small cannons, one fires followed by the other. GV. Race commences. SV. Girls Sea Cadets looking through telescope. GV. Moths rounding buoy. SV. Towards, boats racing. SV. Moth with pilot leaning right over, almost in water, & SV. SV. Phyllis Brazier in her moth, capsizes and starts to climb back on to side of boat. Another man just climbing back in boat. SV. Another boat rights itself. GV. Moths still racing. SV. Moth No 238 wins race. CU. Spectators looking on. SCU. The winner Ted Hicks of Medley Club, Oxford. GV. Someone not so lucky, sitting on side of his boat with sails lying in the water. FILM ID:
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