¡Qué bacán! Visita el Puente Chilina en Arequipa y compártelo en tus redes ¡No te lo pierdas!

Registro fotográfico 20 de Abril del 2023. Awesome! Visit Chilina Bridge in Arequipa and share it on your social media. Don’t miss out! English. Chilina Bridge, located in the city of Arequipa, Peru, is a modern cable-stayed bridge that spans over the Chili River. Completed in 2011, the bridge has a total length of 540 meters and a main span of 170 meters. The cable-stayed design provides a stable and efficient support for the bridge deck, allowing for a thinner and lighter structure. The bridge features two 80-meter-high towers that support the main cables, which in turn support the bridge deck. The towers are made of reinforced concrete and are designed to withstand the forces generated by the cables and the wind. The bridge deck is made of precast concrete segments that were assembled on site. Chilina Bridge is not only a functional infrastructure that connects different areas of the city, but also a remarkable piece of engineering that combines aesthetics and techno
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