Ken Block’s ULTIMATE Mud Rig: 2021 Can-Am Defender Pro on 37“s - Pre Swamp Walkaround.

They do things a little different in the south. So we’ve enlisted the help of Dustin “Battle Axe“ Jones and S3 Powersports to build the ultimate mud bog Can-Am, and show us how swamp people get down! Starting with a 2021 Can-Am Defender Pro HD10 as a base, S3 Powersports went to work on a full overhaul, including their 8“ suspension, 24“ Fuel UTV wheels, a custom roll cage and sheetmetal dash, full stereo, and of course the all important snorkel system. Special thanks to: @dustinbattleaxejones @S3 Power Sports @CAN-AM OFF-ROAD @fuelutv @mister_zachary Subscribe to my channel for more: Follow me on Instagram: @kblock43 Follow on Facebook:
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