World of Warcraft - Music & Ambience - Ghostlands

The Ghostlands claimed their name during the Third War, in which the undead Scourge invaded Quel’Thalas and capriciously defiled, slaughtered, and tore their way through the woodlands. The Elfgates were overcome, the mooncrystals were pilfered, their guardians slain, and the entire southern woodland fell to the Scourge’s corruption. Most, if not all of the elven settlements were obliterated during the invasion, not to be reclaimed until years later. Towns and villages were razed, and human necromancers saw to the reanimation of fallen elves. Under Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner, the Farstriders put up a vicious but impossible fight against the Scourge, and were forced north. Composed by Russell Brower, David Arkenstone and Jason Hayes.
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