Forspoken Hands-On Preview: Spider-Man’s Movement And Combat With Magic

Forspoken has fun traversal and combat, but it isn’t reinventing the open-world wheel. #gaming #Forspoken #gamespot #SquareEnix #JRPG If you imagine Spider-Man, Marvel’s super-agile superhero, slinging a variety of deadly magic spells rather than webs, you have a good idea of what it’s like to play Forspoken. Square Enix’s upcoming open-world action game puts equal emphasis on quick movement and bombarding your opponents with all manner of magic in an experience that’s all about fast thinking, smart movement, and overwhelming force. Square Enix recently gave GameSpot a chance to play about an hour of Forspoken in a curated demo. We didn’t play the actual game, but rather, a specifically crafted slice that demonstrated how Forspoken will feel and gave a sense of how its open world will work. In some ways, what we saw of Forspoken felt familiar for anyone who’s played a lot of open-world games--there are a lot of locations to unlock, small challenges to complete, a
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